Application and Analysis of Moisture Control Strategy for Sinter Mixture 烧结混合料加水控制策略分析与应用
The methods of offline design and online execution about moisture fuzzy controller are expatiated and validated to be good for moisture control. 作者提出了水分模糊控制器的离线设计与在线实施方法,并通过实际应用证明了模糊控制能够满足水分控制要求。
The moisture control for sinter mixture is always a difficulty in iron and steel industry. 烧结混合料水分控制一直是困扰钢铁行业的一大难题。
Application of Bayesian Network in Moisture Control System of Ordering Machine 贝叶斯网在复烤润叶机加水控制系统中的应用
For the algorism of temperature and moisture control, it makes profound analysis, puts forward a new algorism, and prominently improves the controlling quality. 介绍了湿热交变试验机计算机控制系统组成原理,对温度控制及湿度控制算法进行了深入分析,并提出了新的算法,显著改善了控制品质。
To ensure subgrade compaction, we must resolve the choice of subgrade soil, moisture control, shop soil thickness control and detection of degree of compaction work. 要保证路基的压实度,必须解决好路基土壤的选择、含水量的控制、铺土厚度的控制和压实度的检测等工作。
Pneumatic classification of coal by flue gas heat of coke-oven and moisture control integration units 利用焦炉烟道气废热对煤进行气力分级与调湿一体化机组及应用
Measuring of basis weight and moisture are normally a prerequisite for the basis weight and moisture control systems on paper machines. 造纸机定量、水份控制系统都要求在线测量产品质量,即成纸定量和水份。
Considering the problem of long time delay, great inertia and close coupling of basis weight and moisture control system in papermaking process, a new controller is introduced. 针对造纸生产线上纸张定量水分控制系统存在的大惯性、大时滞及强耦合问题,提出了一种控制方法。
Simulation Study of Quantification and Moisture Control in Paper Process 抄纸过程定量水分控制仿真研究
Through the analysis on production process of paperboard machine and using dynamic matrix control algorithm in quantitative and moisture control of paperboard machine, the implementation of multiple variable controller with different time lag is investigated. 通过对板纸机生产过程的特征分析,将动态矩阵控制算法应用于板纸机定量和水分控制,探讨了具有不同时滞多变量控制器的实现问题。
A Computer System for Basis Weight and Moisture Control of a Paperboard Machine 纸板定量/水分在线计算机控制系统
Moisture control is a important factor in coal quality control. 煤炭中水分的管理是煤炭质量管理的一个重要环节,是产品质量构成的关键因素。
Development of Coal Moisture Control and It's Application in Coking Plant 煤调湿技术开发及在焦化厂的应用
Moisture control and cooling ceilings 湿度控制和冷却顶棚
Early sowing and effective moisture control are the crucial techniques in nursery. 在常规育苗方法的基础上,提前播种,控制苗床湿度是黄松育苗的关键技术。
Calculation of winter ventilation for a layer house is quite complicated when the solar radiation, infiltration and moisture control are considered. 如果考虑太阳辐射通量,漏风量和湿度控制,蛋鸡舍的冬季通风量计算变得相当复杂。
In this paper, stochastic difference model with unknown time-varying parameters has been established for a paper basic weight and moisture control system. 本文对于纸张定量水份控制系统建立了具有未知时变随机参数的差分方程模型。
Research of the method for moisture control in the sealed environment 密封环境气氛中水分控制方法研究
Moisture control of particle mould powder by the spray drying 喷雾干燥法生产颗粒保护渣的水分控制
Thi paper will discuss the application of "Network 90" distributed centrol system used in key controls of sintering process, such as auto-burdening, level and moisture control of mix, and combustion control of igniter ect. The application effect of the system is also introduced. 本文以烧结生产中关键的自动配料、混合料矿槽料位和水分控制以及点火器燃烧控制为例,阐述了N-90分布式控制系统在烧结生产过程中的应用及其效果。
Coal Preheating and Moisture Control in Muroran Coking Plant, Japan 日本室兰焦化厂的煤预热和煤调湿
Universal Basis Weight and Moisture Control Model for Paper machines 纸机定量水分控制的通用建模方法
The process of coal moisture control CMC is described, the application of vaporized standpipe device for recovery of coke oven excess heat for economic effect and energy saving result of coal moisture control is analyzed. 介绍了煤调湿技术的工艺过程,分析了应用汽化上升管装置,回收焦炉自身余热,进行煤调湿的经济效益与节能效果。
The design and implementation of the quantitative moisture control system of the paper mill with round net are described. The system composition, control strategy and control algorithm are emphasized. 介绍圆网纸机定水分控制系统的设计和实现,重点介绍系统的组成、控制方案和控制算法。
The Experimental Research on the Moisture Control System 湿度控制系统的实验研究
Neural network applied in moisture control for sinter mixture 神经网络在烧结混合料水分控制中的应用
The Impact of The Soil Moisture control On Pear 土壤水分调控对酥梨品质的影响
In this paper, batching system working characteristics and moisture control requirements of detection, batching system in sinter mixture moisture control strategy is studied through simulation. 本文主要针对配料系统的工作特点和水分控制的要求对配料系统烧结混合料水分的检测、控制策略通过仿真的形式进行研究。